A development trip to your own leadership potential.
You need executives who can act independently, who deal responsibly with employees and corporate goals and who have the inner strength to remain capable of action in times of crisis.
You need executives who can act independently, who deal responsibly with employees and corporate goals and who have the inner strength to remain capable of action in times of crisis.
„No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it“
Albert Einstein
Leadership is the art of winning people’s minds and hearts to achieve a common goal.
This requires empathy and the clarity to understand and develop staff competencies, while keeping your own personal and professional objectives in focus. This program will help you to identify how you are currently influencing those you work with and develop effective approaches for winning people over. The determining success factor in leadership is the genuine interest you demonstrate in your colleagues, which enables them to grow and develop their skills. In this session, you will learn to ask the right questions and to put yourself into your colleagues’ shoes – which leads to new perspectives.
I will support you in
I recommend clients take the full cycle of leadership training modules to deeply anchor your leadership growth.
Priorities, resources, potential
Coaching can provide you with a new direction. It enables you to make progress even in difficult situations. Sometimes doing things as you have always done them may be unhelpful. In our coaching sessions, I will assist you in decision-making by helping you to clearly identify problems and issues and focus your attention on potential solutions. Coaching helps to unveil your hidden potential, where stumbling blocks and conflicts are viewed as challenges and can be critically questioned. And then you can let go of them! You will be able to adapt new perspectives and set new priorities. The process will help you to develop new strengths to refill your gas tank and identify creative solutions. At the same time, you will develop and sharpen your leadership skills.
I will support you in:
Coaching objects can include: career planning, visioning, job applications, conflict resolution, leadership, organizational development, etc.
Responsibility, even in confusing situations.
Ignoring conflicts can be very expensive. A KPMG study, in cooperation with E.ON, illustrates this in numbers. Hiding can negatively influence the moral of the team, increase staff turnover and limit the achievement of performance goals. Conflicts can give valuable insight and expand your perspective. They help you to reflect upon your own point of view and incorporate other views, which typically lead to more creative solutions. If you have the courage to approach and address conflict as a manager, it will demonstrate your commitment and responsibility to solve problems particularly in challenging situations. This approach enables you to develop increased tolerance toward others, as dissenting opinions are viewed as opportunities for enrichment rather than signs of trouble. Engaging on this very uneven path of conscious conflict-work is worthwhile, for yourself and for those you work with, as it opens new perspectives and the possibility for innovation.
My conflict seminars aim at:
Developing teams with trust.
(i.e. digitalisation, part time work and increasing internationalization) call for the ability to respond in a highly flexible manner. A lot of time and money is wasted because teams are insufficiently prepared for change. As a result, misunderstandings lead to mistrust and passive resistance.
I assist you in
People and organizations profit from a range of experiences.
Our workforce consists of employees who are diverse in their place of origin, training, personal goals, gender, culture, and language. This diversity can serve to create a dynamic and creative organization. A respectful handling of similarities and differences is required to achieve this goal. Mastering the challenges of diversity can enable your company to successfully adapt to the rapidly changing business realities on both a local and international level.
The program will enable employees to:
The time is ripe to think outside the box. We cannot continue to look away from the confusion that sometime comes with market, research and leadership challenges.
Increasingly, organizational changes are moving to greater, rather than less, complexity. To understand what this means requires new ways of thinking and the ability to reflect on one’s own workstyle. Leaders need a management style which supports and help make innovation possible.
You must be able to differentiate:
It helps to use creative thinking and agile methods: